Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Title
To be short, informative, contain major keywords and in uppercase.


Abstract Author Details
Please do not include your name and affiliation(s), nor that of your co-authors in the abstract. Enter these details in the Abstract Author Details section.

Abstract Content
To be in sentence case. Maximum of 500-word count is accepted.

Use standard abbreviations only within the body of the abstract. When using abbreviations spell out the name in full at the first mention and follow the abbreviation in parenthesis. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the full name is outlined in the body of the abstract. Capitalise the first letter of trade names.

Care should be taken to ensure high quality English expressions and grammar.

The abstract should address:

Background: Brief statement of relevant work or clinical situation, and hypothesis if applicable.

Aim: Brief statement of overall aim(s).

Methods: Laboratory or other techniques used, including statistical analyses. Other measures clearly stated.

Results: Provide a description of the main findings such as statistically significant results and relevant negative data. Do not include inferred results.

Conclusion: Must refer to the aim(s) of the study and may include suggestions for future action.

References: In the text, references should be cited using superscript numbers in the order which they appear; up to five key references are to be included. In the reference list, the reference should be numbered and listed in order of appearance in the text.